Thursday, December 13, 2012

Matcha - is it really good for you?

Recently, I have discovered Matcha Lattes. For those of you who don't know what Matcha is, it is amazingly tasty. Matcha comes from green tea leaves in its most organic form. It is basically like ground up tea leaves in a powder. When I first started drinking it, that was all I knew. My very healthy, vegan roommate told me that it has great health benefits, so I started to do some research!

Apparently Matcha is good for: 
1. Boosting your metabolism
2. Bettering your mood
3. Increasing your energy
4. Lowering cholesterol
5. Anti-aging and healthy skin
6. Preventing heart disease
7. Weight loss
8. Concentration
9. Increasing your ability to learn
10. Your overall immune system

Who would have known it has all those health benefits? I sure didn't! 

To make my Matcha Latte lighter I get it with Almond Milk. Almond Milk is a great creamy substitute. I also like to add peppermint to it because I like sweet and it adds a nice little kick. Because peppermint syrup is sugary, I don't eat my Jenny Craig snack and replace it with my Matcha Latte instead. I seem to be making multiple trips a week to Alfalfa's, the local grocery store. They have a great coffee and tea bar to get my latte. It's nice and easy for me because it is only about 4 blocks away. I like to walk there and I feel like I get a mini workout because I walk back up hill. Overall, matcha is just very healthy! 

Here's another blogger who loves matcha! Check out thecattylife for other recipes and other healthy reasons to drink/eat matcha.

On this site, learn all there is to know about matcha. This is where I found some great information and definitely check out their recipes!

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