Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hiking - good trails

I forgot how much fun hiking can be! Yesterday, I went hiking with a couple friends in the China Flats. This hike is just very local for me (in Oak Park, CA) and this was the second time I have done it. The first time I attempted this hike I was about 50 pounds heavier than today. The first time, my friend practically had to drag me up the mountain because it is basically at an incline the entire way. And yesterday, he was telling me to slow down! I felt like this was a huge accomplishment because this friend of mine has run a half marathon, goes to the gym everyday, and is extremely fit. I haven't gone to the gym in FOREVER, so I was a little worried that this would be too difficult. After 2 hours of hiking, I made it and I didn't suck at it either! Hiking is a really great way to get in shape! I think being outdoors and going with friends is really a lot more entertaining than spending 30 min on an elliptical in a gym staring at a wall. I am planning on getting together with another couple of people and perhaps taking a group hike next week.

Other hikes I have tried and really liked are:
1. Solstice Canyon in Malibu, CA- This hike has a waterfall and a ton of different trails. Solstice was actually the first hike I had ever been on. When I went, I did the most advanced one and it took about 4-5 hours of hiking. Because there are so many trails, you can try one at your own pace. 
2. Wildwood in Thousand Oaks, CA- This one has a few trails. Solstice is more lush, but Wildwood also has a waterfall as well as a teepee and Lizard Rock, which is one of the trails. Lizard Rock is one of the harder ones. The couple of times I have gone, I have always had difficulty getting to the top. 
3. Red Rocks in Boulder, CO- This consists of more rock climbing than trail walking. My roommate dragged me here and made me think it was going to be a casual hike. It starts at a slight incline on a trail and then once you walk about 15 min you see these beautiful red rocks. Then comes the climbing!

Overall, hiking is great fun and great for you! I would love to hike more often and find some more trails. I know Boulder also has a ton of great hikes such as Chautauqua, Devil's Thumb, Boulder Creek Path, and any of the Flat Irons. 

Just look up hiking trails in your area and you can usually find a lot of information including the difficulty and popularity of the hike- that's how I found Solstice Canyon! 

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