Friday, December 28, 2012

Disneyland - tips for theme park eating

I just got back from a long day at Disneyland! (Note to self: never go to Disneyland right before New Years.) I usually have a yearly tradition of going to Disneyland the day before Christmas Eve. This year my friends and I had to postpone it and that was probably the biggest mistake! Usually the day before Christmas Eve is pretty crowded, but this was just completely unreasonable! Apparently all the people going to see the Rose Bowl decide to make a trip to Disneyland! I felt like we were being herded like cattle....MOO! Really though, I have never seen so many people in one place and I'm used to Disneyland craziness. Even through all the craziness, I was able to hit all the main rides I wanted to go on...Space Mountain, Indian Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean etc. But sometimes the toughest part about going to a theme park is trying to find something somewhat healthy to eat. After a lot of help from my consultant at Jenny Craig, she said that probably the best thing to do is try and find a salad there. I know I like to munch a lot when I am there, so we discussed possible snacks: a pickle (which counts as a "free" vegetable on Jenny) and a pineapple to take the place of one of my fruits. I also decided to bring my  Vanilla Chocolate Crisp Jenny Craig Anytime Bar for more substance, which is filled with my daily vitamins.

My day ended up looking something like this:
1. Breakfast- Jenny Craig Cinnamon French Toast and a Grande Soy Latte with cinnamon (cinnamon is a great antioxidant) from Starbucks
2. Snack- Vanilla Chocolate Crisp Jenny Craig Anytime Bar
3. Another Snack- The lines were too crowded to get into any place to eat around noon, so I had a Disneyland pickle to hold me over until my 3 o'clock lunch reservation.
4. Lunch- I ate at Cafe Orleans and it was delicious! I got the 'Crescent City' salad which came with blackened chicken (or I could have had salmon), corn, baby greens, pickled onions, grapes, orange slices, caramelized pecans, and a citrus vinaigrette. I ended up not eating the caramelized pecans or the orange slices because I am not big on citrus fruit. I also asked for my dressing on the side and used my fork dipping technique (dip the fork in the salad dressing then in the salad). There was not even 1/4 cup of corn which was good because corn is a starchy vegetable AND I could have the grapes because I did not have time during breakfast to get my extra fruit in. I made sure I kept my chicken to a deck of cards size.
5. Snack- Disneyland Pineapple....they really have the best pineapple! This is actually one of my favorite snacks there. It has always been one of my instant go-to's.
6. Dinner- IN-N-OUT! I have not had in-n-out in over 6 months and this is THE BEST fast food, hands down. Because I knew we were going to in-n-out and fast food could be a bit difficult, I looked up the menu on my nifty iphone ahead of time. After consulting the nutrition facts posted by MyFitnessPal, I decided I was going to get a hamburger protein style with onions. I really wanted cheese, but decided if I didn't get the cheese, I could reward myself with the in-n-out spread. Normally, I would get the cheeseburger that comes with both the cheese and the spread. Protein style is just wrapped in lettuce instead of a hamburger bun. I used to get a cheeseburger with onions, fries extra well done (so double fried), dip my fries in spread, and occasionally a neapolitan milkshake. That would be approximately 980-1000 calories. Today my burger was only 240 calories according to in-n-out nutrition facts. I could have not had the spread and substituted it for ketchup and mustard and that would only be 160 calories according to, but I really wanted the spread if I wasn't having cheese! I couldn't give it all up.

1. When going to a theme park, bring some healthy snacks from home! This way if you want to munch, you have a healthier choice than buttery popcorn or sugary churros. 
2. Go with a plan! When you arrive at the park, have an eating plan and stick to it! Just being aware of healthier choices will really help!
3. Try and get a salad or a lean burger! Salads are always a healthy choice, but if you really want a burger take off the bread and make sure the patty is not bigger than a deck of cards. Or you can always have one slice of cheese pizza too. 
4. Try not to snack around the park! You will probably be doing a lot of walking, so choose one snack that you really want, but then maybe get a salad instead for lunch.
5. Fruits, vegetables, and water are still very important! Try and incorporate those fruits and veggies into your healthy eating plan for the day and stay hydrated! 
6. Overall, just make little adjustments to your meals and try and make the healthier choices; those options are around, you just might have to do some extra searching. 

I also have to weigh in at Jenny Craig tomorrow, so hopefully my Disney plan was successful!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hiking - good trails

I forgot how much fun hiking can be! Yesterday, I went hiking with a couple friends in the China Flats. This hike is just very local for me (in Oak Park, CA) and this was the second time I have done it. The first time I attempted this hike I was about 50 pounds heavier than today. The first time, my friend practically had to drag me up the mountain because it is basically at an incline the entire way. And yesterday, he was telling me to slow down! I felt like this was a huge accomplishment because this friend of mine has run a half marathon, goes to the gym everyday, and is extremely fit. I haven't gone to the gym in FOREVER, so I was a little worried that this would be too difficult. After 2 hours of hiking, I made it and I didn't suck at it either! Hiking is a really great way to get in shape! I think being outdoors and going with friends is really a lot more entertaining than spending 30 min on an elliptical in a gym staring at a wall. I am planning on getting together with another couple of people and perhaps taking a group hike next week.

Other hikes I have tried and really liked are:
1. Solstice Canyon in Malibu, CA- This hike has a waterfall and a ton of different trails. Solstice was actually the first hike I had ever been on. When I went, I did the most advanced one and it took about 4-5 hours of hiking. Because there are so many trails, you can try one at your own pace. 
2. Wildwood in Thousand Oaks, CA- This one has a few trails. Solstice is more lush, but Wildwood also has a waterfall as well as a teepee and Lizard Rock, which is one of the trails. Lizard Rock is one of the harder ones. The couple of times I have gone, I have always had difficulty getting to the top. 
3. Red Rocks in Boulder, CO- This consists of more rock climbing than trail walking. My roommate dragged me here and made me think it was going to be a casual hike. It starts at a slight incline on a trail and then once you walk about 15 min you see these beautiful red rocks. Then comes the climbing!

Overall, hiking is great fun and great for you! I would love to hike more often and find some more trails. I know Boulder also has a ton of great hikes such as Chautauqua, Devil's Thumb, Boulder Creek Path, and any of the Flat Irons. 

Just look up hiking trails in your area and you can usually find a lot of information including the difficulty and popularity of the hike- that's how I found Solstice Canyon! 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Successful Xmas Eve - how to do Christmas right

My friends and I have come together every year since high school to make a ginger bread house, but this year we decided we were going to make a ginger village. I wanted to show a little taste of my yearly tradition!

Tonight, I went over to a family friend's house, like I do every year, and knew I could expect some delicious food for Christmas Eve. But how do you eat right during the holidays? I came back with a few ideas to keep you eating healthy! On my 45 minute drive, I made a vow to myself that I would only TRY ONE snack that I really wanted. Okay so I ended up trying two snacks, but my favorite was cream cheese with warm chili sauce on top dipped with a wheat thin. I only allowed myself one bite. I like to eat a lot when I want to try everything, but I realize in order to taste something you really only need one bite of it to be satisfied (at least it's that way for me). This could be a really good and quick appetizer if you just take reduced fat or fat free cream cheese, chili sauce, and fat free wheat thin crackers. That way you could probably have more than just one bite, but still want to stay under control. Most of the time I eat so many appetizers and by the time it gets to the actual meal, I'm not even hungry anymore. I eat it anyway because it tastes good.

1. Cut back on the snacks beforehand! Choose one snack that you REALLY want and only take a couple bites. Remember, you want to save room for the main course. If there's a veggie plate or a fruit plate....go nuts! Have as much as you want. 
2. Fill half your plate up with vegetables and eat the veggies first! If you eat the vegetables first, you are more likely to fill up on the healthy stuff. Tonight, for the main course I filled half my plate up with vegetables: asparagus, brussel sprouts, green beans, and raw bell peppers. 
3. Portion your protein! I had about 4 oz of honey backed ham (Try not to overload on the ham because it is pretty salty).
4. Choose one starch! I had my choice of either a roll, potatoes, or enchiladas. I really wanted both the potatoes and the enchiladas, so I put about 2 regular spoonfuls of the potatoes and 1 spoonful of the enchiladas. 
5. The dreaded dessert! Try and find a piece of fruit to eat with your dessert if available. I would eat the fruit first and only have a few bites of the ONE dessert you choose. Don't have cookies and cake...choose a few cookies OR a sliver of cake. There wasn't any fruit tonight, so I allowed myself a sliver of a lemon bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes (they have the best bundt cakes on this planet!)  It was definitely hard only having a sliver, but since I really wanted it, my motto is to never deprive, but instead portion it out. I also had a cup of coffee during dessert so when everyone else was still eating their sweets, I was able to enjoy my coffee instead of just watching everyone eat. 

Eating is a very social thing. It takes a lot of will power to realize that food is food. I have learned that I'd rather eat healthy than look back on my night and regret what I ate. Is it worth the few minutes of enjoying a fattening slice of cake or mounds of potatoes and ham? That moment comes and goes, but the time I spend kicking myself in the butt will last a lot longer than 3 minutes. The time to lose those extra few pounds could be completely prevented if I had eaten healthy during the holidays. Those are my words of wisdom. This is not something I can teach to anyone, but something you're going to have to self discover. It may take a lot of weight gains and losses to come to this conclusion. I've been on a diet since I was 13 years old, so I KNOW how hard this can be. It has taken me 8 years to have this Aha moment. We shall see if I can tackle the big, official Christmas feast tomorrow! I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday! 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Cookies - the healthy way

Now that Christmas is right around the corner, I've been trying to find healthy recipes for the holidays. This is the first Christmas I've been trying to eat well, so it took awhile to find a cookie recipe that I thought was healthy and tasty. When I weighed in at Jenny Craig today (after losing another 2 pounds), I found out there is a Jenny Craig website with a lot of great recipes! I decided to try out the Chocolate Chip-Strawberry Thumbprint Cookies because I thought this would be a good substitution for alternative sugary Christmas cookies. Earlier today I actually made cookies for a friend that had 2 sticks of butter, about 3 cups of sugar, and 2 cups of flour! I know I could not keep those in my house because that would just be dangerous! But with these Chocolate Chip cookies, I don't feel bad having them around. There is no added in sugar, flour, or butter and it is very quick and easy! I had a couple of friends over to help and it only took us about 20 minutes to make them and bake them. I came home to California to visit my family and friends over the holidays, so what better way to start the season off right than baking?

Here's the link to the recipe:

However, I would make a few changes to the recipe. The dough is very gooey after mixing all the ingredients together, so it is impossible to make a thumbprint in it for the jelly. I actually baked the cookies first then made a thumbprint and added the jelly at the end. Also, I actually would almost like the recipe more without the jelly, so you can bake them with or without it. . . they would be delicious either way! When I made it, I just grabbed the Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Mix and Quaker Whole Wheat Oats (uncooked) and then all you need is 1 egg, water, vanilla and strawberry jam (if desired). So easy with minimal ingredients! Definitely worth a try!

Nutrition Facts:
(Serving Size- 1 cookie)
Calories: 54
Carbohydrates: 8.8g
Protein: 0.6g
Fat: 1.8g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 28 mg

During the holidays eating healthy can be very difficult. Instead of making the usual sugary, fattening cookies for Santa, I would try to find a lighter recipe online or look at the Jenny Craig options. Don't make cookies you shouldn't eat! If you find a lighter recipe, then you don't have to feel guilty about an occasional sweet treat. Bring them to holiday parties so you won't feel deprived from other sweets and eat one of these instead! When trying to find a good recipe look for: low sugar, low carb, low fat, and low calorie. Find a recipe that uses minimal butter and sugar, if any. You can also substitute Truvia or Splenda alternative sweeteners for sugar and applesauce for oil. I also found this website that looked like it had some great options:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Matcha - is it really good for you?

Recently, I have discovered Matcha Lattes. For those of you who don't know what Matcha is, it is amazingly tasty. Matcha comes from green tea leaves in its most organic form. It is basically like ground up tea leaves in a powder. When I first started drinking it, that was all I knew. My very healthy, vegan roommate told me that it has great health benefits, so I started to do some research!

Apparently Matcha is good for: 
1. Boosting your metabolism
2. Bettering your mood
3. Increasing your energy
4. Lowering cholesterol
5. Anti-aging and healthy skin
6. Preventing heart disease
7. Weight loss
8. Concentration
9. Increasing your ability to learn
10. Your overall immune system

Who would have known it has all those health benefits? I sure didn't! 

To make my Matcha Latte lighter I get it with Almond Milk. Almond Milk is a great creamy substitute. I also like to add peppermint to it because I like sweet and it adds a nice little kick. Because peppermint syrup is sugary, I don't eat my Jenny Craig snack and replace it with my Matcha Latte instead. I seem to be making multiple trips a week to Alfalfa's, the local grocery store. They have a great coffee and tea bar to get my latte. It's nice and easy for me because it is only about 4 blocks away. I like to walk there and I feel like I get a mini workout because I walk back up hill. Overall, matcha is just very healthy! 

Here's another blogger who loves matcha! Check out thecattylife for other recipes and other healthy reasons to drink/eat matcha.

On this site, learn all there is to know about matcha. This is where I found some great information and definitely check out their recipes!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Eating Through My Day- how to plan healthy meals

One of my classmates read my blog and requested that I show what I eat on a typical day. I am also including nutrition facts, pictures, as well as healthy substitutions if you are not on Jenny Craig. I really want to express that you do not need to be on Jenny Craig to lose weight even though it has helped me immensely. Jenny has been a very helpful tool- I have learned how to cut back on my portions and what a standard meal should look like in terms of nutrition.

Here is what I ate today (I eat on average about 1200 calories a day):
1. Jenny Craig Cinnamon French Toast (240 calories, 5g fat, 3g fiber, 9g protein)
2. Jenny Craig Table Syrup (35 calories)
3. Medium Apple
4. Grande Soy Latte from Starbucks (170 calories, 4.5g fat, 1g fiber, 9g protein)
Healthy Substitutions (Not on Jenny): 
1) My Healthy Egg McMuffin (Recipe on my blog)
2) 0% fat Greek Yogurt with 1/2 c. granola (Kashi Go Lean)
3) 1 c. cereal with non-fat milk (Kashi Go Lean or Special K)
4) 2 egg (egg white) omelette with non-starchy vegetables and reduced fat cheese

1. Jenny Craig Oatmeal Anytime Bar (110 calories, 3.5g fat, 4g fiber, 10g protein, excellent source of calcium 20% DV)
1) Yoplait Lite Yogurt
2) Special K Bar
3) Fruit Cup

1. Jenny Craig Meatball Stuffed Sandwich (260 calories, 7g fat, 5g fiber, 13g protein)
2. Baby Carrots
1) Whole wheat thin slice (100 calories), thin sliced turkey or ham, fat-free mayo or mustard, lettuce, tomato 
2) Can of Progresso High Fiber Soup (Example: Tomato Basil)
3) Large salad (DONT use iceberg-no nutritional value) with 3 oz chicken/tuna/turkey/chopped hard-boiled egg and any non-starchy vegetables (add balsamic vinegar, lemon, or 2 tbsp non-fat dressing)

1. Cup of Grapes
ANY FRUIT (Example: 1/2 banana or 1 c. grapes or kiwi or apple or 2 cutie tangerines etc.)

1. Jenny Craig Chicken Fettucini (250 calories, 7g fat, 17g protein, only 440mg sodium)
2. Vegetables- grilled onions with squash and asparagus
1) Whole wheat pasta (fist size) with marinara sauce (about 1/2 cup), mushrooms, zucchini, 3 oz ground turkey
2) 4 oz chicken (I love the Costco rotisserie chicken) 
3) 4 oz salmon with fat free sour cream mixed with dill
4) 4 oz ahi tuna with aioli sauce (kind of like a spicy mustardy sauce) 

1. Jenny Craig Pumpkin Spice Cakes (140 calories, 3g fat, 5g fiber, 4g protein)
1) Vitatop (Like a chocolate chip muffin top, heat for 30 seconds-100 calories and very high in fiber! LOVE THIS!) 

DON'T FORGET TO DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!! Remember, it is all about the portion control. A lot of my Jenny meals are high in fiber and protein and very low in sodium, so try and eat food with nutritional value!

Me enjoying my pasta :)

Here is something Jenny Craig just gave me for healthy eating alternatives (if you can read it):

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Motivation - it can be hard

Today I weighed in at Jenny Craig, as I do every week, and found out I am up .8 of a pound. I knew that I would be up today because I've been recently lacking motivation. I have a lot to get done in school this week because it is the dreaded week before finals. I'm not going to deny it, I am definitely one to stress eat or eat out of boredom. This past week consisted of me sitting in front of my TV and eating a Jenny Craig snack followed by a delicious brown sugar snickerdoodle cookie my roommate and I made. Jenny would not be proud. When I first started losing weight, the pounds were just shedding off of me, 5 pounds after 5 pounds and 42 pounds later. . . it's a pound here and .5 there. I notice I lack motivation most when I lose more. Weird huh? I reason with myself that it is okay to have a cookie because I've lost so much already. NO! Now I know this is not true because in order to lose weight I must be consistent. I did not even want to write this post, but I think it could be comforting to those who struggle with motivation and maybe also help me! I don't want to hide behind my diet and I want people to see that this is far from easy.
Everyone finds their motivation from different places. I found that my motivation comes from myself. No one can tell me how to eat and even though I do have a consultant at Jenny, she does not spark my motivation, I do! One thing that gets under my skin most is when I make one bad food choice and someone (my mom or dad) gets on my case about it. That is not what I need.

1. Positive Feedback- My friends from California saw me for the first time over Thanksgiving Break. Having them tell me how good I look and how proud they are of me really motivates me. When telling me not to eat something, it is just more negative feedback that I don't need to hear.
2. Get a Scale- I used to hide from scales. Whenever I had to get weighed at the doctor's office, I would look away and tell them not to tell me. When I finally invested in a scale, I could not hide. I weigh myself every day, even though I have been told not to because your weight will go up and down throughout the week. Your body will constantly fluctuate throughout the day about 2-3 pounds, so weigh yourself in the morning. I think it is really important to be aware of your weight.
3. Clothes- Before losing any weight, what I was excited about most was being able to wear cute clothes. Now I am down 2 whole pant sizes! Also, throw away your clothes once they are too big on you because you want to reassure yourself that you will NEVER be that weight again. 
4. Make a Short Term Goal- At Jenny, I have gotten in the habit of making a short term goal. My current goal is to lose 5 pounds before Vegas. A short term goal does not need to be a certain amount of pounds you want to lose, it can consist of going to the gym 3 times a week. 
5. Make a Long Term Goal Weight- Right now, my goal weight is 130 pounds. I am hoping to be around 130 pounds by summer. 
6. Make a List of Your Goals- When you make a list, look at it every week! This will remind you of what you are working towards.
7. Hang a Cute Shirt in your Closet- When you have to look at what your goal is, this may help motivate you. I have a drawer full of clothes from a few years ago that I can't wait to fit in. 

Just found this awesome article on how to stay motivated! I think I might utilize some of these ideas! Check it out:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Eating Out - "how to" guide

Yesterday, my roommate's nonprofit, HOLA foundation, was having an event at one of the local Boulder restaurants for Colorado Gives Day. It was at one of my favorite mexican restaurants, The Rio Grande. Unfortunately, at most mexican restaurants they have unlimited chips and salsa. This is my weakness. If I could live off of one snack food for the rest of my life it would be chips: potato, tortilla, any kind, so I know how hard it can be eating out. I am not wonder woman; I still have temptations and I still need to work really hard to reach my final goal weight of 130 pounds.
I had a really hard time eating at The Rio yesterday because I kept munching on chips and salsa. After being at The Rio for three hours I somehow managed to have 1/2 a basket of chips, shrimp tacos, a margarita, and 2 beers. Now I consider this one of my less successful days, but that does not mean I can't pick myself up and eat healthy today. Today I've been really good with sticking to my Jenny Craig because I still have that motivation to look hot in Vegas. Even though I did not do my best with eating out yesterday, I did make a couple of changes to my meal. I did not eat the rice on my plate or eat one of my tortillas. I figured I did not need the extra carbs after eating so many chips. I also had grilled vegetables instead of beans. I have had plenty of times when I've eaten out and been completely under control, so it really is not that difficult. It was those darn chips!

There are so many different types of food, so it is difficult to tell you exactly how you should eat when you go out. Personally, I LOVE sushi. Jenny Craig only has one fish item, so I crave sushi almost all the time. When I go out to sushi I get about 3-4oz (a deck of card size) of sashimi. You can get any kind you want,  but I usually get salmon or tuna. Then I get miso soup, but keep in mind that it is very salty so you may bloat a bit. I also get edamame and ask for no salt. I'm pretty satisfied when I leave the sushi restaurant and I don't feel hungry.

Other quick tips: 
1. When going out to any restaurant I would try and split a meal with a friend. Most restaurants give you way bigger portions than you need. 
2. When eating meat, stick to about a 3 finger size or deck of card size. 
3. It's okay to have carbs, just choose the one carb on your plate that you want! If you want mashed potatoes or rice, stick to about 1/2 a cup (this is usually 1/2 the portion they serve you at restaurants).
4. When getting a salad, try to choose one with a low fat dressing and with non starchy vegetables and always get your dressing on the side. When I get my dressing on the side, I dip my fork into the dressing and then stick it in the salad. This way, I don't overload on dressing and the bonus is I get a taste of dressing with every bite.
5. Try to shy away from things on the menu that have cream sauces. 
6. Order first! If you order first, you are less tempted by what others around you are ordering. 
7. When you know you have eaten enough, put gross stuff on your food. . . seriously! I usually salt and pepper my food like crazy when I am done, so I am not tempted to munch on my food while my plate is still in front of me.

When you know where you are going to eat: 
If you can, look up the nutrition facts online and plan ahead what you want! I know not all restaurants post their calories, but if you can find it, this is a really helpful tool. In California, restaurants are required to post calories and have them available, so it's really easy when I am back visiting my family at home. In Colorado it is not required, so I do have more difficulty when it comes to finding nutrition facts here. 

Eating out breakfast: 
Breakfast is my all time favorite meal! When I go out, I always replace my hash browns or potatoes with a fruit cup. I usually get an egg white scramble with veggies or an egg white omelette with veggies and no cheese. It's still delicious, I promise!

Overall, don't deprive yourself! You can still get what you want. It's mainly portion control and making the healthy changes to your meal, making substitutions is important. 

For more tips on how to eat healthy at restaurants check out this site!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Importance of Water - how much should I be drinking?

Water! We all know that keeping hydrated is vital for life. I had no idea that for most of my life I was not drinking enough water necessary to stay healthy. When I was on Weight Watchers about 4 or 5 years ago, they recommended drinking 9 cups of water a day, but I thought this was completely unnecessary and dismissed it right away. I probably just had a glass or 2 of water a day. I didn't really start drinking enough water until I got serious about losing weight. Personally, I just started drinking more water because I felt like I was flushing all toxins out of my body, like a water detox. But who knows, maybe this is all in my head. I do have to say that drinking water has made me feel a lot better especially with my caffeine addiction. I feel much less headachy and I have more energy.

I carry around a Nalgene bottle and I have it on my at all times. This plastic water bottle can carry up to 32 oz of water at a time and I try to fill it up 2 or 3 times during the day. Having the bottle on me is a constant reminder to keep drinking. I like to tell my friends "I am overly hydrated!" I would not recommend drinking all this water at once, but instead space it out all through your day. Not only will you feel it sloshing around in your stomach and become overly full, but you will be constantly running to the bathroom and that is never fun. I may have learned that from experience. Who would have known that I was such an inexperienced water drinker? Water can help suppress your hunger, so when you're just in a "munchy" mood and you know you just ate a meal, drink some water! But how much water are you really supposed to be drinking a day? 

According to the Mayo Clinic, women should be drinking about 9 cups of water a day and men should be drinking about 13 cups of water a day! I was right about flushing toxins out! Check out this article to see more benefits of water:

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Exercise - my struggle

A big part of dieting is exercising! This is probably my biggest struggle when it comes to losing weight. Speaking of losing weight, I weighed in at Jenny Craig and from last week I lost a total of (drum roll please. . .) 3 pounds! I usually go through phases where I am super motivated and will go workout every day of the week. Unfortunately, I have been lacking all motivation to work out recently, so I know how hard this can be! I have felt pretty under control with my eating but still haven't mastered the exercise portion. When I am exercising, I usually try and go to the gym 4 times a week. At the gym I usually do 30 min on the elliptical, 15 min of ab workouts, and 15 min of weights (I alternate between legs and arms). However, I sometimes lack motivation to go to the gym. A great way to find motivation is going to workout classes! I absolutely love cardio-kickboxing. Did you know that you can burn up to 500-800 calories in one hour of cardio-kickbox?
I am going to Vegas with some friends January 2nd. I really want to look good in my dresses, so even though I am lacking the motivation, I've been doing a 5 minute ab workout before I go to bed each night just to tighten up a little bit. I usually just do 50 standard sit ups, 50 side crunches, and 5 sets that workout my upper abdominal. 

Here's a website with Top 10 Most Effective Ab Exercises! I have done quite a few of these and they really work! Unfortunately, some you do need equipment for so you can't do all of them in the luxury of your own home. 

Go to a workout class and find a friend! If you are lacking that motivation, this is a great way to get back into the workout mode. I love classes because they usually have great music and the time just seems to go a lot faster than being on an elliptical for 30 minutes staring at a TV or listening to my iPod. I know some people might be embarrassed to exercise in front of people, but everyone is so focused in these classes and trying to keep up that no one notices. Definitely bringing a friend along can be even more motivational. This is how I learned a lot of my favorite ab workouts. My friends and I love to bounce different workout ideas off of each other and even though they're not always easy, we struggle through them together. Having a friend or a trainer help you through a class can be very enriching. I am actually thinking of getting a personal trainer once I graduate this May.

Do small things: (These are things I need to work on!) When parking at the grocery store or going shopping, park your car at the back of the parking lot - every step counts. When sitting around watching TV, get up, walk around, do jumping jacks or squats between commercials. If you have access to weights in your house, even if they are only a couple pounds, lift some weights! The woman who helps me at Jenny Craig keeps telling me to go out and buy a couple of weights. I really need to do this and start taking my own advice. 

When working out, it is always important to have good shoes so you have the proper support and don't strain anything. These are my workout shoes but I have pink laces :) These shoes are awesome and so comfortable they are the Nike in Season Trainer. It comes with a Nike comfort footbed and it feels like you're stepping on a cloud. Would recommend these to anyone! 

Effect of Exercise Duration and Intensity on Weight Loss in Overweight, Sedentary Women in The Journal of the American Medical Association concludes "The current study showed that all levels of exercise that were prescribed resulted in significant improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness [. . . ] Moreover, participants randomized to vigorous exercise intensity did not have greater weight loss than those randomized to a similar dose of exercise performed at moderate intensity."

Many people are wondering if working out really makes a difference in a diet. There is a rumor that purely dieting without exercise is a better way to lose weight. According to this article, you can lose weight without exercise if you cut out 500 calories from your diet each day. In order to even lose one pound you must burn at least 3500 calories. You are perfectly able to lose weight without exercise, but overall the balance between the two is the healthiest weight loss plan.