Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Weekly Goal 1/7 - Kick It

I decided that every week I am going to post a weekly goal. I wrote in an earlier blog how important it is to set goals. A good idea is to write a sticky note with a weekly goal and an end goal and put it on your mirror. This way, you are reminded everyday what your weekly challenge is and why you are setting goals for yourself. I figure if I'm writing my goals down on my blog, I will be more likely to follow them.

This week I got a free week pass to a local gym, Stevenson Fitness. My goal: go to a "Kick It" class or cardio-kickboxing class everyday. I started going Sunday and I am really loving these Kick It classes. I, however, did not go Monday because I could barely move after Sunday. I was so sore from not doing an intense work out in a long time. So I would definitely say it's good to start slow. I went to Kick It yesterday and I felt good enough to go to today's "Kick It (extreme)"! After my early work out this morning, I am already feeling the burn. The class was full of kicks, jabs, punches, jumping jacks, squats, high knees, high jumps, and ended with an ab workout! Great cardio! They key is to constantly be moving and try to break a sweat! It is almost more motivating because I know I must be working some muscles. I am determined to stick to my goal and go to tomorrow's class as well as the class on Friday and Saturday. Then I head back to school Sunday! I can't believe Winter Break is almost already over. I will write on Sunday to inform you if I stuck to my goal. Maybe set a goal for yourself this week like going on a fast-pace 10 min walk everyday. Remember these goals do not need to be as extreme as mine and don't forget to keep it to your own pace! 

Why is Cardio-kickboxing so good for you? Check out this link!

Here is a great at home cardio-kickboxing routine I found! This is very similar to what I do in class, but you can do it in the comfort of your own home! 

Try looking up routines on YouTube as well. I have done a couple at home kickboxing routines using Comcast On Demand and it is totally free!

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