Monday, January 14, 2013

My Weekly Goal 1/14 - doing the gym thing

Last week's goal was to go to Kick It classes everyday of the week. I must say, I had a very successful week! I went to every cardio-kickboxing class! I did regular cardio-kickboxing, a couple with plyos, and one with weights! I did not let that daunting 8:30 class time discourage me from going. I woke up everyday and dragged my tired booty to class. By the end of the week the staff was starting to recognize me. I'm definitely joining that gym when I graduate in May and move back home to California.

My Goal: 

My goal this week is to go to 3 new workout classes on my college campus. Yes, classes have started and now it's time to do well in school, but also to stay fit! It can be discouraging when I know I have other work to get done....maybe that's why it was so easy going to workout classes over my break. So I won't be going to the gym every day, but I want to make sure to go at least 3 times! Fortunately, all the classes are free the first week of school, so I can try any workout class I want! I'm going to try and drag my roommate along too, so we can go together and just make it a little more encouraging. The classes I plan on trying are: Core Conditioning, CRT (Cardio Resistance Training), and PiYO (Pilates/ Yoga). I have always been a huge kickboxing fan, but I think it's time to try something a little out of my element and I know how important it is to mix up different types of workouts. Hopefully I will like them! 

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