Monday, January 28, 2013

My Weekly Goal 1/28 - monthly success story

I have a few orders of business this week. First off, I met my goal from last week! My goal was to cut back on the sugary, alcoholic drinks. I went out one night and stuck to beer and wine and that's it. I also would like to add that every time I have these weekly goals, these goals aren't just for the week, but for me to continue as I further my weight loss journey. I am still going to the gym 5 times a week too; I actually just got back from a cardio-kickboxing class! I have always loved those classes. I love how everyone teaches the classes differently and this was the first time I took kickboxing with this particular instructor. I really liked her a lot and will be taking that class again next week. I started making friends in the fitness classes and we text each other before we go to the gym everyday to motivate one another. It's a really good way to stay motivated!

Second order of business, My Goal: 

This week my goal is to make 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches on my own as well as write down everything I eat and drink this week. When I met my halfway point on Jenny Craig, I was supposed to start making some of my own meals a few times a week. However, I usually only make my own breakfast MAYBE once a week. I am scared that once I start making my own meals, I might start gaining weight back. This has been an extreme fear of gain weight. But, I need to realize that I cannot be dependent on Jenny Craig food my whole life and I really need to learn to eat healthy outside of microwavable food. Weight loss and eating healthy is a lifestyle. I need to get over this fear and start adjusting to normal food because I should be off the Jenny food by Summer (crossing my fingers). Luckily, Jenny Craig now has My Days which gives real meal ideas to eat instead of Jenny Craig food. I'm going to utilize My Days to help me plan the meals I am making on my own. I am thinking of making a portobello mushroom sandwich for lunch one day and a mini pizza on an english muffin for another day. For breakfast, I'll probably make my Healthy Egg McMuffin recipe one days and greek yogurt with granola another day. I'm actually going to the grocery store after this to buy food that is not only consisting of fruits and vegetables. So wish me luck! 

 Lastly, I would like to announce that Jenny Craig is making me a monthly success story and are featuring me within the store! That means I can write a couple pages about my journey (which I may post on here), provide before and after pictures, and promote my blog! Talk about motivation! I feel like my hard work is really paying off! Maybe I can snag a picture once it gets posted within the store! 

I saw this quote in one of the Jenny Craig offices and Hopefully this will provide some motivation!

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