Thursday, January 31, 2013

High Fructose Corn Syrup - nutrition class

This semester, I started taking a Nutrition for Health and Performance class. I love this class! It's almost like have a personal nutritionist, but one lecture that stood out to me was about High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). I pay attention to labels, but never thought to check for HFCS. I didn't really know what it was or why it was bad for me. I know there has been a bunch of talk about HFCS and now I know why!

Did you know:

1. High Fructose Corn Syrup is sugar made from corn. This is used more often than natural sugar due to subsidies. Subsidies make the corn cheap to produce and cheap to put into our food and drink products. That is why restaurants always have free refills! HFCS is the primary sweetener in soda. Since it is so cheap to make, that's why we have unlimited amounts of soda. 
2. Ketchup also has a ridiculous amount of HFCS...1 tsp of HFCS to 1 tbsp of ketchup (that's a third of ketchup!!) 
3. HFCS does not make you full and that's why people can have 5 cans of soda at one sitting and not get full!
4. Companies have changed the name of HFCS on labels to Corn Sugar to sound nicer. 

High Fructose Corn Syrup Ad - Two Bites
High Fructose Corn Syrup Ad - Two Bites Spoof! 
I saw these videos in class (You were very observant if you saw the popsicle change colors in the spoof) So if you don't know why HFCS is bad for you, than it must be okay! (NOT) What does moderation even mean? It is impossible to consume in moderation because it is in everything..... corn, creamer, chocolate, even in food you wouldn't think it would be in like PICKLES!?

Why is HFCS bad:

1. Causes flatulence and diarrhea due to mineral deficiencies in iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc
2. Metabolic syndrome (increased risk for coronary artery disease, stoke, and type 2 diabetes) 
3. 1/3 of the products are high in mercury
4. Increases triglyceride levels (arteries line with fat, which ultimately will lead to heart problems)
5. Increased dental cavities
6. Interferes with oral contraceptives (birth control), so HFCS = babies
7. Possible link to obesity

Why is it used if it is so bad for us:

1. It mixes easily! Think about the last time you put sugar into your coffee and you kept stirring and stirring to get the sugar to completely mix. HFCS mixes evenly in sodas, fruit juices, etc. 
2. Extends shelf life by 20% - stops yogurt from spoiling
3. Tastes extra sweet
4. Helps prevent freezer burn - ice cream
5. Helps baked products brown better - hot dog buns and English muffins
6. Results in soft textures - chewy chips ahoy cookies and protein bars

What can I do to stay away: 
1. Eat organic food! Organic food is the ONLY food that can't contain HFCS. 
2. Shop in the parameters of the store! If you think about it, all the junk food is in the middle of the store while all the vegetables, fruit, dairy are around the outside. 

So, next time you're at the grocery store check your labels for HFCS or Corn Sugar!

Check out this link from Eat This Not That! 20 Worst Drinks in America compares drinks to their food equivalent. Saw this in my nutrition class and definitely made me aware of drinks I will never have again!

Monday, January 28, 2013

My Weekly Goal 1/28 - monthly success story

I have a few orders of business this week. First off, I met my goal from last week! My goal was to cut back on the sugary, alcoholic drinks. I went out one night and stuck to beer and wine and that's it. I also would like to add that every time I have these weekly goals, these goals aren't just for the week, but for me to continue as I further my weight loss journey. I am still going to the gym 5 times a week too; I actually just got back from a cardio-kickboxing class! I have always loved those classes. I love how everyone teaches the classes differently and this was the first time I took kickboxing with this particular instructor. I really liked her a lot and will be taking that class again next week. I started making friends in the fitness classes and we text each other before we go to the gym everyday to motivate one another. It's a really good way to stay motivated!

Second order of business, My Goal: 

This week my goal is to make 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches on my own as well as write down everything I eat and drink this week. When I met my halfway point on Jenny Craig, I was supposed to start making some of my own meals a few times a week. However, I usually only make my own breakfast MAYBE once a week. I am scared that once I start making my own meals, I might start gaining weight back. This has been an extreme fear of gain weight. But, I need to realize that I cannot be dependent on Jenny Craig food my whole life and I really need to learn to eat healthy outside of microwavable food. Weight loss and eating healthy is a lifestyle. I need to get over this fear and start adjusting to normal food because I should be off the Jenny food by Summer (crossing my fingers). Luckily, Jenny Craig now has My Days which gives real meal ideas to eat instead of Jenny Craig food. I'm going to utilize My Days to help me plan the meals I am making on my own. I am thinking of making a portobello mushroom sandwich for lunch one day and a mini pizza on an english muffin for another day. For breakfast, I'll probably make my Healthy Egg McMuffin recipe one days and greek yogurt with granola another day. I'm actually going to the grocery store after this to buy food that is not only consisting of fruits and vegetables. So wish me luck! 

 Lastly, I would like to announce that Jenny Craig is making me a monthly success story and are featuring me within the store! That means I can write a couple pages about my journey (which I may post on here), provide before and after pictures, and promote my blog! Talk about motivation! I feel like my hard work is really paying off! Maybe I can snag a picture once it gets posted within the store! 

I saw this quote in one of the Jenny Craig offices and Hopefully this will provide some motivation!

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Weekly Goal 1/21 - drinking better

I met my goal from last week! Not only did I go to the gym the 3 days I wrote about, I also took an extra core conditioning class! I believe writing my goals down really helps me stick to them because I know I will be reporting back. If you're not already setting weekly goals, I would start. Honestly, I think it will be very motivational! Two days ago I bought a Fit Pass from my school's rec center. For about $80 it lets me attend any workout classes I want all semester long, therefore, I can really stick to the workout schedule I made with my roommate last week. 

My Goal:

I actually just got back from my very first Power Barre class and I LOVED it! If you have taken any Barre Core classes, it is basically the same thing. Funny enough, we do not have a ballet bar in the rec center, so we improvised by turning a step up vertically and balanced on that. The class consisted of squats, glute workouts using our improvised "bar", ab workouts, and weight workouts for our arms and shoulders. It involves a lot of small movements to really focus on one particular part of your body. I really felt the burn and am taking another Power Barre class tomorrow with a different instructor because today was a special schedule due to Martin Luther King Day. Anyway.... the instructor of my Power Barre class today had the best body I have ever seen. For once I feel like I can achieve that body, so I kind of found her to be my inspiration. I have never viewed someone else as an inspiration or a goal because I never thought a tight body could be achievable. So because of her tight booty, flat abs, and toned arms I have decided to make the extra leap. My roommate and I were discussing after the workout class that we need to really start making healthier choices when it comes to alcohol. This week my goal is to try and drink more wine and beer rather than sugary mixed drinks when I go out to dinner or happy hour. If I want a mixed drink, my goal is to get a vodka soda rather than a gin and tonic. Tonic water is sugary like soda and soda water is just bubbly water (I actually just learned this difference recently). If I go out to the bars this weekend, I will allow myself one and ONLY ONE mixed drink that is not a vodka soda if I really feel that it is necessary. I need to stop viewing alcohol as empty calories because it is a liquid. I want to have a toned stomach by the time it gets to bikini season and I need to make this change if I want to get there. So this week's goal is all about alcohol. I think this is going to be a tough challenge because I am a senior in college, but weight loss is not always easy and I need to keep pushing myself!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Obese" to "Healthy" - my achievements



When I went to Jenny Craig today, I ended up tearing up during my weigh in. Why? Well let me tell you. I have this awesome Jenny Craig Tanita scale that has a Body Fat Monitor and Body Water Percentage. When I first started Jenny, weighing in at 197 pounds, the scale said that my BMI was at the "obese" range. Now, weighing in at 149, the scale says I am at the "healthy" range. I have had such a long journey from starting at "obese", then "heavy", and now "healthy". To have a scale tell me that I have the right BMI for my size, is just amazing to see. To have that reassurance that I am healthy is completely relieving, exciting, overwhelming, just such a mix of emotions. I  can actually SEE my progress. There is just something about seeing the word "healthy" that is so self-fulfilling! I have never been considered healthy since I was probably 13 or 14 years old when I was an active volleyball player. And I am far from my 13 year old self....I'm a woman with curves. I am  really starting to see my journey and transformation take shape. So when I was at Jenny Craig today, I was telling my consultant all of this and I just started to cry out of happiness. And this NEVER happens! After, I went to the mall and bought my first tight fitted shirt! I only wear clothes that flow that can hide my stomach and I decided it's time to get clothes for my new body!

I have realized my journey has been a progression. There was never a moment when it just clicked and I was going to be healthy. As I have gone down this 6 month road, it has been a slow accumulation of things. My cousin pushed me to do Jenny Craig and then I started eating the Jenny food and making zucchini every night. Then I started learning how to cook more vegetables. Then I started to learn how to eat out without eating a Jenny meal. Then I started making a couple breakfasts on my own. Now I have decided I really need to learn to exercise. I think at the beginning I didn't know or believe that I could stick to this weight loss program, but as I have come to realize that this is not just a program, but a  change in lifestyle, I have learned how to adapt it to my life. As I saw my weight shed away, the harder I was willing to work for it. I have progressively wanted to be healthier and healthier and try harder and harder; push myself in ways I never have before. This blog is part of my progression as well! Before I was so embarrassed about my weight and now I view it as an achievement! I would NEVER tell anyone I weighed 200 pounds, but now it is something to be proud of! I am not happy I was obese and that I lived an unhealthy lifestyle, but happy of how much I have grown to love the body I am in and have made such a huge accomplishment for myself. I have much more confidence. So if you are waiting for an "aha" moment, that may never come (or it might!), but for me it did not happen that way. Remember weight loss is a journey, a life changing experience and journeys do not happen over night.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Workout Schedule - shout out to a good friend

So far, I have stuck to my weekly goal! Yesterday, I went to the 30 min core conditioning class and today, I took the 1 hour CRT class. At CRT we did about 30 min of kickboxing, 20 min of weight training, and 10 min of abs. I LOVED this class AND my lovely roommate came with me! We made a promise that we have to go to the gym at least 3-4 times a week no matter our homework schedule. Together, we decided to make a Workout Schedule! We went through our gym's class schedule and chose our favorite fitness classes that did not conflict with school. We picked 5 different classes, that way if we're busy with studying for a couple of days, we have other classes to choose from. We talked about our inspirations to get in shape and made an official Workout Schedule! My brilliant idea was to post it on the mirror in our bathroom, so we are constantly reminded to go to the gym. After all, I do spend an hour in the bathroom every morning to get ready.... plenty of time to look at the schedule!

1. Post your goals somewhere in the house to remind you what you are working towards
2. Make a fitness schedule- this could be a 10 min ab workout one day, 30 min walk another day, or 20 laps in the swimming pool a different day. Make a schedule that works for you! 
3. Figure out what motivates you- is it a friend? is it someone you are interested in? a special occasion? your new skinny jeans? 
4. Set aside time in your day- I usually like to workout first thing in the morning, so I get it out of the way and I don't become busy with plans. However, I have senior to finish and night classes are what works best for me! 
5. Be happy- when working out, think about what you cannot wait to do with your new body NOT how much you hate doing sit ups or pushups

I would just like to add, as of today, I only have to lose 10 more pounds to be at the weight I was at when I was 14 years old! That is incredible! 19 more pounds to reach my goal weight of 130 pounds! Those 19 pounds don't seem to be so daunting after already losing 50. But it is always the last part that is the hardest to lose. Don't get discouraged!

 I would also like to make a shout out to a woman who has been like a second mother to me and a best friend....congratulations Susan for losing your first 5 pounds on Weight Watchers! Keep up the hard work! Don't forget that every .5 here and pound there will all add up! Love you!

Monday, January 14, 2013

My Weekly Goal 1/14 - doing the gym thing

Last week's goal was to go to Kick It classes everyday of the week. I must say, I had a very successful week! I went to every cardio-kickboxing class! I did regular cardio-kickboxing, a couple with plyos, and one with weights! I did not let that daunting 8:30 class time discourage me from going. I woke up everyday and dragged my tired booty to class. By the end of the week the staff was starting to recognize me. I'm definitely joining that gym when I graduate in May and move back home to California.

My Goal: 

My goal this week is to go to 3 new workout classes on my college campus. Yes, classes have started and now it's time to do well in school, but also to stay fit! It can be discouraging when I know I have other work to get done....maybe that's why it was so easy going to workout classes over my break. So I won't be going to the gym every day, but I want to make sure to go at least 3 times! Fortunately, all the classes are free the first week of school, so I can try any workout class I want! I'm going to try and drag my roommate along too, so we can go together and just make it a little more encouraging. The classes I plan on trying are: Core Conditioning, CRT (Cardio Resistance Training), and PiYO (Pilates/ Yoga). I have always been a huge kickboxing fan, but I think it's time to try something a little out of my element and I know how important it is to mix up different types of workouts. Hopefully I will like them! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Weekly Goal 1/7 - Kick It

I decided that every week I am going to post a weekly goal. I wrote in an earlier blog how important it is to set goals. A good idea is to write a sticky note with a weekly goal and an end goal and put it on your mirror. This way, you are reminded everyday what your weekly challenge is and why you are setting goals for yourself. I figure if I'm writing my goals down on my blog, I will be more likely to follow them.

This week I got a free week pass to a local gym, Stevenson Fitness. My goal: go to a "Kick It" class or cardio-kickboxing class everyday. I started going Sunday and I am really loving these Kick It classes. I, however, did not go Monday because I could barely move after Sunday. I was so sore from not doing an intense work out in a long time. So I would definitely say it's good to start slow. I went to Kick It yesterday and I felt good enough to go to today's "Kick It (extreme)"! After my early work out this morning, I am already feeling the burn. The class was full of kicks, jabs, punches, jumping jacks, squats, high knees, high jumps, and ended with an ab workout! Great cardio! They key is to constantly be moving and try to break a sweat! It is almost more motivating because I know I must be working some muscles. I am determined to stick to my goal and go to tomorrow's class as well as the class on Friday and Saturday. Then I head back to school Sunday! I can't believe Winter Break is almost already over. I will write on Sunday to inform you if I stuck to my goal. Maybe set a goal for yourself this week like going on a fast-pace 10 min walk everyday. Remember these goals do not need to be as extreme as mine and don't forget to keep it to your own pace! 

Why is Cardio-kickboxing so good for you? Check out this link!

Here is a great at home cardio-kickboxing routine I found! This is very similar to what I do in class, but you can do it in the comfort of your own home! 

Try looking up routines on YouTube as well. I have done a couple at home kickboxing routines using Comcast On Demand and it is totally free!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Back from Vegas - success story

Just got back from Vegas yesterday! This was the first time I have gone since I have been 21! I went with three of my best friends in the entire world and we truly had the best time. We really only had about one full day there and two nights, but the limited time did not stop us from having fun. We stayed in the new part of the Flamingo and wandered around the strip. We saw the shark exhibit at Mandalay Bay which was completely worth the $18! There was so much to see! But being 21, it is ALL about the night life. . . we went to Surrender- the club in the Wynn and TAO- the club in the Venetian. I think the hardest part about Vegas is all the drinks! Drinking wise. . . I did not make the healthiest choices. I mean when I went to Margaritaville, I had to get a Margarita and of course I had to get a Fat Tuesday. From the name alone, you know it can't be good for you! If you do not know what a Fat Tuesday is, it is those giant, long drinks you see people walking around with on the strip. I got Strawberry Pina Colada! It was good, but extremely sugary. I could just feel the sugar on my teeth and sitting in my stomach, but I had to try it. It's all part of the experience, right? Now I can honestly say, I never need to have it again. At the clubs I mostly just stuck to gin and tonics, but I made sure to have water between most of my drinks. Honestly, water really helps; not to mention I was not hungover.

So I realize I did not do well with the drinking aspect, but with food I was golden!
-The first night for dinner I had Chicken Lettuce Wraps at the Cafe in the Flamingo. I barely used the Thai sauce they bring with it and only had about 1/2-2/3 of the portion of chicken.
-The next day I did not have breakfast because we all slept in, so for lunch we went to the famous Margaritaville attached to the Flamingo! I ordered a Portobello Mushroom Sandwich and substituted my fries for a small caesar with the dressing on the side. I did not eat the croutons or the extra parmesan cheese on the salad. The caesar was a good side portion.  I took off half the bread and cheese on the sandwich, but ate the whole mushroom! I have always loved portobello mushrooms and it was delicious!
-For dinner we went the Grand Lux Cafe in the Venetian. I ordered a delicious Ahi Tuna Salad with the balsamic dressing on the side. I had one piece of bread from the table since I knew I would be drinking. But the salad was perfect! It came with ginger (great for the digestive system!) and ahi tuna and mixed greens. Really healthy meal and it was so yummy. Actually 2 of my friends ordered the same thing!
-At night I had my Jenny Craig cheese curls
-The last day we went to the buffet in the Flamingo and I know buffets can be hard, but I think I handled it pretty well. I got a little eggs (probably not even 1 cup), wheat toast, 1 slice of lox, 1 turkey sausage, and honeydew melon.

That was all I ate the entire time I was in Vegas. Now that I am writing this out, I really could have had more fruit, but I know it can be difficult when you are busy all day.

Today I weighed in at Jenny Craig and I was actually down almost a pound (.8)! So you can go on vacation and lose weight! I'm just glad I had my eating under control because I'm sure with all the drinking my weight would have been up and I had to fit into those tight dresses!

1. When on vacation, take your own snacks 
2. Try and do a lot of walking around (We did some walking, but it was cold!) 
3. Cut the portion size of your food (probably about 1/2 the serving) 
4. Try and stay away from anything with a lot of cheese, bread, or cream sauces
5. Get in your veggies and fruit
6. Drink lots of water
7. Try and stay busy, if you're busy, you won't have time to snack

Here are additional tips on how to eat healthy when on vacation:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year, It's Vegas Time - time for resolutions

I hope everyone had a happy, healthy, and safe New Years! It's hard to believe it's 2013; 2012 really flew by! Last night I went to The Lab Brewing Company in Agoura Hills, CA with one of my friends. I started out the night trying to be "good". I tried to order a gin and tonic, but with diet tonic water. I have come to realize it is nearly impossible to find diet tonic at any bar. Once I had that failed attempt, it all went down hill from there. I had many sugary drinks and I did not stay on my diet at all. I did make sure that I had a glass of water between every drink to stay hydrated. But I drank a Long Island Iced Tea, Mojito, and a Lemon Drop Martini, none of which are low in sugar.
 So last night I really struggled, but what better way to bring in the New Year than making a New Year's resolution! My New Year's resolution is to keep losing weight (about 1-2 pounds a week) and hopefully be able to wear a bikini by the beginning of summer. I have not worn a bikini since I was 13! The tip is to make resolutions you can actually keep. I wouldn't say I want to give up chocolate because I know that would be completely unrealistic. Make a resolution that is a reachable goal. I know many people do not stick to their resolutions, but I am determined to keep mine. It's time to wipe the slate clean and start from scratch. I am saying goodbye to those 50 pounds and never looking back- always stay looking forward. I had a slip up last night (who hasn't?) and that's why I made my resolution about weight loss.

Also I would like to add, I am finally leaving for my Vegas trip tomorrow that I have been planning for the last few months. Earlier in the year, my goal was to get down to 160 before Vegas (that's a 40 pound loss)! Well I have officially passed that goal and am currently at 152. So now my next goal is bikini season! For my trip I am taking a few of my Jenny Snacks such as honey mustard pretzels, cheese curls, cinnamon twists, and my Anytime Bars. I also went to the market today and picked up some goodies for my friends, but I grabbed apples and bananas as well! When I'm hungry, rather than eating bar food or the pretzels I bought for my friends, I can have a healthier Jenny Craig option. We are also buying alcohol before we go, so we can spend less money. Don't worry, I did not forget to buy the Diet Tonic Water. That way I will make a couple no sugar drinks in the room before going out and I can drink less sugary drinks when I am out at the clubs. My other plan is to just keep dancing! Got to get that exercise in somehow! It's time to start the new year right and just because I am on vacation it does not mean the food and drinks have any less calories, fat, and sugar. Anyway, I hope you make a realistic goal for your New Year's resolution even if it is doing 10 sit ups every night or eating one less slice of bread. 2013 is going to be a great year, so treat your body the way it should be treated for a happy, healthy year!