Sunday, November 25, 2012

Then and Now - the beginning in a nutshell

This past Spring, I studied abroad in Madrid. It was the greatest time of my life and embraced the culture, food and all. I ate everything from the chorizo, to the jamon, tapas, and drank mucha mucha cerveza. I recommend studying abroad or traveling to anyone, but I definitely know how hard it is to eat healthy when traveling. I did not care what I ate because everything tasted good. I did not even realize the over consumption of food and my clothes slowly getting tighter, almost shrinking. Or maybe I did notice and I just did not care. I felt my friends and family will love me no matter what. I totally neglected the fact that I have high cholesterol because I thought since I am young, it would just fix itself. I went out drinking multiple times a week and ate free tapas such as patatas fritas (potato chips) or paella mixta (seafood and chicken paella). The paella was a perfect mix between the bright, orange colored saffron, juicy chicken, and shrimp (heads attached!!). The thick aroma and the pleasingly golden brown tint, made me gobble down every bite.
It wasn't until 4 months later when I got home in May that I noticed I had this drastic weight gain. At this time my cousin turned me on to Jenny Craig. For me this was a great program, but I would also like to add, I know this is not everyone's first choice. Jenny Craig or not, you can still lose weight. I had been on Jenny Craig before when I was 13, but I decided to give it a go. I have now been on Jenny Craig for a little over 5 months and have lost 40 pounds. I started at 200 and now I am weighing in at 158. Looking back on pictures, I did not even realize how much bigger I was before, I just did not see myself in that way. It took a little push and shove from my family to really get me started, but ultimately my motivation is what has really gotten me this far. 

I love to make lots of vegetables! I will post some pictures later of what I make on a daily basis that is quick in easy. I love to snack on carrots throughout the day, but when it comes to making dinner I love to take just a little Pam, zucchini, squash, red bell pepper, asparagus, mushrooms, onions etc and just a sprinkle of salt and pepper. I seriously eat all day long. It's all about the portion size, but I make sure I get my daily vitamins. I eat a fruit with breakfast and a fruit between lunch and dinner (2 fruits a day such as grapes, apples, kiwi, 1/2 banana etc), and vegetables with lunch and dinner.

My before and now pictures: 

I really enjoy reading this blog! If you're interested in another weight loss blog I would also check this one out:

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