Monday, November 26, 2012

Good Choices at Starbucks - my addiction

So I am a die hard Starbucks addict. Today when I was walking to class it was probably 30 degrees outside, but everyday I make the extra 5 minute trip to go to Starbucks no matter the weather. I notice on my way I was thinking about what a good, healthy choice would be. I know it can be tempting getting the Strawberries and Cream, Vanilla Bean Frap, Caramel Macchiato, or now that it is winter, a Gingerbread Latte. But did you know all these things are high in sugar and calories? They all have at least 30 grams of sugar and 300 calories. I find it really helpful to get the Starbucks app. You can customize your drink to what you like including nonfat milk, sugar free syrups etc. Then it will tell you the exact nutrition facts. Personally, as tempting as it is to get something sugary sweet, I try to stick to something low in calories and sugar.

I use my Starbucks to get a source of calcium and Vitamin D from the milk. I used to love getting Grande nonfat Mocha or Grande Skinny Caramel Macchiato. These are okay choices but again high in sugar. If you want something cold its only about 100 calories to get Grande Mocha Frappacino Light. If you're a tea person, I love getting a Venti Iced black tea with 2 splendas and nonfat milk. This drink is only 90 calories. My personal holiday favorite which I've been getting everyday in this cold weather is just a Grande Soy Latte. I love this drink with cinnamon. Cinnamon is an antioxidant you know! If you are into sweet, which I totally am, I will sugar my sugar, this drink is awesome. It's not too sweet but sweet enough to warm my soul. 

Here are a couple links about Starbucks!

This one has great examples of better choices vs unhealthy choices. I find this post really helpful from personal experience. I always make sure to get nonfat milk and sugar free and it's still delicious :)

This is just a quick break down of why Starbucks drinks aren't always the healthiest by the Healthy Food News Letter. I definitely need to learn how to moderate seeing as I go to Starbucks at least twice a day!

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