Monday, February 11, 2013

My Weekly Goal 2/11 - valentines day

To address last week's goal, I lost my 2 pounds! It was all about mind power this week: I went to the gym, ate well, and kept working hard. Sometimes you know what to do, you just have to set your mind to it. And after setting my mind to it for 8 months, my pants are a bit too big. I have gone from a size 16 to size 9. My goal is to go down 1 or 2 more pant sizes. I actually was able to wear a shirt that I haven't worn in 4 years! I have a "when I lose weight" drawer and slowly but surely I'm starting to wear the clothes again. I actually lost too much weight to wear my old jeans, which is a true accomplishment. Remember, every little bit counts!

My Goal:

My goal this weeks is all about Valentine's Day! I know when you go on vacation or there's a holiday or birthday, it is really easy to go crazy! This week, I am going to dinner with my roommate and my goal is to still eat healthy. It's mind over matter and all about self control. We have already decided that we're going to split! We're going to get a small side salad to split with the dressing on the side and get the Lobster. Lobster really is not bad if you do not have the butter. Planning ahead is a huge part!

1. Plan ahead- if you know what you're getting ahead of time, you're more likely to stick to the healthier option
2. Always split- splitting with someone is always a great idea
3. Stick to wine, beer, or champagne- every little calorie counts
4. Don't eat the chocolates- eat some carrots before going to dinner and that way you'll eat less of the invisible fats in the restaurant (Did you know....people consume most fat at restaurants because they are unaware of how their food is prepared. This is anything like extra butter, oil, sugar etc.)
5. Get a salad first- instead of eating the salad with your meal, fill up on the vegetables
6. Stray away from creamy sauces, extra cheese, and the bread basket on the table
7. Don't be afraid to ask for substitutions or alterations to your meal

Just today was my friend's 23rd birthday! I looked up the menu to the restaurant we went to and ordered a portobello mushroom sandwich and asked specifically for no cheese. Instead of fries I got a garden salad with a vinaigrette dressing on the side. When my food came, I instantly took off the top pieces of bread. It had delicious roasted red peppers, a little mayo, portobello, and 1/2 the bread. Alterations! Just by making these little adjustments, you can cut the caloric intake in half!

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