Friday, February 22, 2013

Graffiti Run - 5k

I have officially signed up for my first 5k! What better way to inspire me to run than to do it with my 3 roommates! We all agreed rather than run, we would do a slow jog. This is a huge step for me because I cannot run for more than 2 minutes. But I thought I should challenge myself and try it. Who knows, maybe I will get into the whole running thing. 

This particular 5k is called the graffiti run and what basically happens is that everyone wears white and while you run, colorful powder is being thrown at you. By the time the race is done, you are covered in graffiti! Luckily when I signed up, I noticed kids can do it too! How hard can it be? The 5k takes place at the end of April in Denver at an amusement park! My roommates and I decided to make our team name "The Fresh Princesses of Bouldair"....get it?!! Like The Fresh Prince of Bel Air? I probably should start training or running before the 5k comes around. This is just another inspiration to get in shape. We decided we're going to customize tank tops for our team. I cannot wait!

If you are interested in the graffiti run, check this site for information and other locations!

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