Friday, February 22, 2013

Graffiti Run - 5k

I have officially signed up for my first 5k! What better way to inspire me to run than to do it with my 3 roommates! We all agreed rather than run, we would do a slow jog. This is a huge step for me because I cannot run for more than 2 minutes. But I thought I should challenge myself and try it. Who knows, maybe I will get into the whole running thing. 

This particular 5k is called the graffiti run and what basically happens is that everyone wears white and while you run, colorful powder is being thrown at you. By the time the race is done, you are covered in graffiti! Luckily when I signed up, I noticed kids can do it too! How hard can it be? The 5k takes place at the end of April in Denver at an amusement park! My roommates and I decided to make our team name "The Fresh Princesses of Bouldair"....get it?!! Like The Fresh Prince of Bel Air? I probably should start training or running before the 5k comes around. This is just another inspiration to get in shape. We decided we're going to customize tank tops for our team. I cannot wait!

If you are interested in the graffiti run, check this site for information and other locations!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekly Goal 2/18 - superfoods

This past week was a really tough week for me. I recently have been feeling kind of stuck in my weight loss. I have pretty much been maintaing for a solid month now, give or take a couple. When I weighed in the week, I was up .4. Not a big deal right? I've just been feeling really disappointed in myself because the night before I weighed in at Jenny, I went to happy hour at a local Boulder bar, West End Tavern, and binged on delicious yam chips with guacamole. Now, I should know better because chips are my weakness and once they're in front of me, they are going to magically disappear! I can't even keep them in my apartment. Anyway, I was super upset with myself for the .4 gain and I have now realized I don't want the numbers and weight to control my life, I want to control my weight. After talking to my weight loss consultant, she decided a good idea for me is to write down everyday what my goal is and why I'm losing weight (doesn't matter if it is different everyday). I am also still waiting on my poster in Jenny Craig to go up!

My Goal: 

1. My goal this week is as well as writing down everything I eat, I'm going to write a daily goal and reason why I'm losing weight. I'll take a picture and post is when it is all done.
2. I usually weigh myself every single day and since I don't want the weight to control me, I'm not going to weigh myself once this week. I'm going to wait until the weigh in at Jenny Craig on Saturday. I've been told I should not weigh myself everyday anyway. 
3. I want to cut back on eating out. I recently have been going out to eat a lot. This is going to be difficult because my roommate's parents are here visiting and they want to take us out to dinner. So lets say, I'll cut back 2 nights of eating out. 

My Nutrition Class:

So last week, we learned about Superfoods! I thought it was interesting so I wanted to share!

Why they're healthy:
1. high concentration of critical nutrients (a lot of nutrients per calorie)
2. low in calories
3. reverse the effects of major diseases (reduce inflammation, protect against heart disease, reduce cancer risk, protect against toxins = ACT AS A MEDICINE WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS)

Here are some specific superfoods I learned about:

1. Acai - contains amino acids and Omega 3 fatty acids
2. Barley - high in fiber, niacin, and vitamin A, low glycemic index (GI) (good for people with diabetes)
3. Beans and Lentils - high in Omega 3, fiber, protein, low GI
4. Hot Peppers - antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, good for heart health
5. Sweet Potatoes - high in vitamin C, A, potassium, fiber
6. Mangos - 1 c. = 100% vitamin C, 1/3 vitamin A, potassium, fiber, folic acid (prevents spina bifida)
7. Broccoli - vitamin C, K
8. Leafy Greens (kale, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens) - vitamin A, C, K, folate, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, lutein (promotes eye health), fiber
9. Cinnamon - lowers blood glucose, triglycerides, LDLs, cholesterol, antibacterial, brain health/memory
10. Garlic - vitamin B6, C, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
11. Oats - fiber, protein, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, thiamin, antiviral, lowers cholesterol
12. Chia Seeds - high in protein
13. Flaxseeds - high in Omega 3
14. Lingon Berries (in Nordic countries)
15. Quinoa - has 9 essential amino acids, high minerals/vitamins
16. Red Wine
17. Curry
18. Mustard
19. Turmeric - helps with chronic inflammation
20. Green Tea - silences cancer cells
21. Coffee 
22. And my favorite......Dark Chocolate - inhibits blood clots, reduces chronic inflammation, smooth blood vessels, antioxidant

**My Nutrition professor challenged us to try and eat 5 superfoods a day! I would try this challenge if I wasn't on Jenny now I am challenging you. Try to eat any of these 5 superfoods a day!

Monday, February 11, 2013

My Weekly Goal 2/11 - valentines day

To address last week's goal, I lost my 2 pounds! It was all about mind power this week: I went to the gym, ate well, and kept working hard. Sometimes you know what to do, you just have to set your mind to it. And after setting my mind to it for 8 months, my pants are a bit too big. I have gone from a size 16 to size 9. My goal is to go down 1 or 2 more pant sizes. I actually was able to wear a shirt that I haven't worn in 4 years! I have a "when I lose weight" drawer and slowly but surely I'm starting to wear the clothes again. I actually lost too much weight to wear my old jeans, which is a true accomplishment. Remember, every little bit counts!

My Goal:

My goal this weeks is all about Valentine's Day! I know when you go on vacation or there's a holiday or birthday, it is really easy to go crazy! This week, I am going to dinner with my roommate and my goal is to still eat healthy. It's mind over matter and all about self control. We have already decided that we're going to split! We're going to get a small side salad to split with the dressing on the side and get the Lobster. Lobster really is not bad if you do not have the butter. Planning ahead is a huge part!

1. Plan ahead- if you know what you're getting ahead of time, you're more likely to stick to the healthier option
2. Always split- splitting with someone is always a great idea
3. Stick to wine, beer, or champagne- every little calorie counts
4. Don't eat the chocolates- eat some carrots before going to dinner and that way you'll eat less of the invisible fats in the restaurant (Did you know....people consume most fat at restaurants because they are unaware of how their food is prepared. This is anything like extra butter, oil, sugar etc.)
5. Get a salad first- instead of eating the salad with your meal, fill up on the vegetables
6. Stray away from creamy sauces, extra cheese, and the bread basket on the table
7. Don't be afraid to ask for substitutions or alterations to your meal

Just today was my friend's 23rd birthday! I looked up the menu to the restaurant we went to and ordered a portobello mushroom sandwich and asked specifically for no cheese. Instead of fries I got a garden salad with a vinaigrette dressing on the side. When my food came, I instantly took off the top pieces of bread. It had delicious roasted red peppers, a little mayo, portobello, and 1/2 the bread. Alterations! Just by making these little adjustments, you can cut the caloric intake in half!

Monday, February 4, 2013

My Weekly Goal 2/4 - fab ab february

Just to remind you all, last week my goal was to make 2 of my own breakfasts and lunches. That was very successful!

breakfast: 3/4 c. kashi go lean cereal, splash of almond milk, and 3 slices of lean turkey bacon, and grapes
lunch: mini pizza (1 english muffin, 1/4 c. reduced fat shredded cheese, 2 tbsp. marinara sauce) and carrots.

breakfast: non-fat blueberry acai greek yogurt with 1 tbsp granola, and an apple
lunch: portobello mushroom sandwich (on a 100 calorie bagel thin with 1/8 avocado, grilled onions and spinach) and carrots

However, when I weighed in at Jenny Craig this week, I was up almost 2 pounds. Why? Well I was snacking on olives and not making healthy decisions with alcohol. When I should have been getting wine and beer, I was getting Dirty Shirley's and mixed drinks with different kinds of juices. I realized I do not want to make a big deal over the 2 pounds because of how far I have come, but I don't want to dismiss it either. I need to own up to the 2 pounds because then it's going to be "Oh, it was just 2 pounds this week" and "Oh, it's just 2 pounds another week" and that will definitely add up! When I found out that I was up 2 pounds, I texted one of my best friend's moms (who is on Weight Watchers and struggling with losing weight) and we decided to make a goal together. I felt like it would be good to text each other every day and keep each other in check. It is always a lot easier to lose weight when you have someone doing it with you! So I have many goals for this week. . .

1. I want to go back down 2 pounds! (But how am I going to do it?)
2. I'm going to go back to making good choices when it comes to alcohol
3. I'm going to snack only on non-starchy vegetables
4. I'm going to continue the 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches on my own
5. I'm going to continue going to the gym (I may not be able to get the full 5 days in because I have an exam in my nutrition class this week)
6. I'm going to do "Fab Ab February '13" and "February 2013 Squat Challenge"

Here's the schedule for "Fab Ab February '13" and "February 2013 Squat Challenge"!!! (Includes: sit-ups, push-ups, planks, and squats)
Challenge yourself and get a nice lifted booty and strong abs! I want to thank my friend from the gym for showing me this and we'll see if it works by the end of the month!

My Jenny Craig consultant just told me about Extra Dessert Delights sugar-free gum. I bought a couple of packs and they are great when you want something sweet. Just pop a piece of gum in! I bought Mint Chocolate Chip and it totally tastes like thin mints and I just bought Lemon Square flavor today! There are a few other flavors as well. Check this site for all the flavors!