Saturday, April 20, 2013

It's Finally Up - New Goals

I walked into Jenny Craig today and an older woman, whom I have never talked to before, came up to me and said "You look fantastic! How long have you been on Jenny Craig for?" I told her I had been on Jenny since June of last year. Although it felt fantastic being acknowledged by a stranger, I felt a little guilty because walking in today I knew I was up 3 or 4 pounds. I have really been struggling with these last 15-20 pounds. I am only living in beautiful Boulder, Colorado for 3 more weeks and then I am moving back home to Southern California. With that said, I have been putting off my weight because I want to try every good restaurant until I leave. Boulder is a Food Nation! Boulder is a great place for foodies, such as myself, which can get me into trouble sometimes. Another reason I am struggling, besides all the temptations, is that I know I will be moving home where there is ZERO temptations. The best restaurant in Westlake Village, CA is Stonefire Grill. Deep down I know that I will lose my weight so quickly when I get back that I am allowing it to cloud my judgement when it comes to losing weight and making good and healthy decisions.
While I was pondering these thoughts, the Center Director of Jenny Craig pulled me into the hallway and showed me my poster board that is finally up! If you have not been following my blog, a couple months ago Jenny Craig wanted to feature me within the store by putting up pictures and an "About Me" for my weight loss journey.'s finally up!! I was so excited to see it. It was in a plastic casing and looked so professional thanks to my previous consultant, Lynn! And on top of that, two women, also on Jenny, came up and started reading it and were telling me how much they identify and how I look so good and they're so proud. I believe one of them actually called me toned??? I think that truly gave me some inspiration and makes me want to stick to some goals this week.

After talking to my new consultant today and discussing the issues I have been having we decided that I should be able to eat out! But when I eat out it's going to be "contained flexibility". I have been too constrained when it comes to eating out.....3 oz of fish with vegetables ONLY.
Now, I find myself going crazy. Like last night, I had 3 pieces of bread and butter, tomato soup, 3 oz of halibut and veggies, and 2 cocktails.
We decided I can have the cocktails, I can have the bread because I need to start learning how to eat in the real world and I never want to be super confined.
BUT, have 1 piece of bread and 1 cocktail instead.
SO, I'm going to try to eat healthy but not be so restricted. I am so close to my goal and I need to be realistic.

1. Eat what you want, but don't go over board.
2. Don't indulge too much and really eat for how much your stomach needs and not what your eyes need.
3. Stop eating when you're not hungry, NOT when you're full.
4. Make sure to still make the healthy choices, but don't feel restricted.
5. It's okay to get the cocktail and it's okay to have a piece of bread, but make other healthy choices with dinner and throughout your day.
6. Plan your meal before hand!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Running - challenge yourself

I have my Graffiti Run (the 5k) coming up this month on April 28th. I decided it's time to start doing some running. The 5k seems pretty casual as it is meant for all ages.....children and up! Even though I can probably walk the entire thing, I wanted to start running. In high school, I played volleyball for a couple years, so the extent of my running has never been more than the length of a volleyball court. A few days ago my roommate and I decided to go on our first run....1.5 miles. Well I wouldn't exactly call it a run....more of a jog/walk. We probably jogged about half of it and I felt really accomplished since I have never been a runner. It's so weird that in high school we were required to run a mile and now, almost being a college graduate, 1 mile seems so daunting. But then yesterday I woke up early before my Jenny Craig appointment and went on that same run and I only walked for about 2 minutes of the entire 1.5 miles. After I finish enjoying my almond milk iced mocha, I'm going to go on that same run and try to run without stopping. I can really see what an improvement a few days of running can do. I am slowly building up my stamina. 

It's also really nice because I live walking distance from the Boulder Creek, so I am able to run along the creek and end up at Red Rocks Park. A lot of people run, walk, or bike by the creek, which provides some extra motivation. So go out on a jog! Take it at your own pace. A little jog every day can make a huge difference in stamina, health, and happiness. Go out and get those endorphins! I know sometimes it's hard to get yourself to workout, but just take it one step at a time....even a 5 minute run or 30 minute power walk is good for your heart. 

My goal:
So I am still maintaining my weight around 147 pounds and I have been really struggling losing that last 15-17 pounds, so I can get down to 130. I took a little 3 week break from the gym because of exams and spring break, but this week's goal is to get down to the lowest I have ever been on the Jenny Craig scale....146 pounds. I am going back to the gym this week and I'm going to try and wake up early for a morning jog if the weather allows it. Unfortunately, I think we might be getting some snow this week, so I might have to take a few day break from the jogging. 

Also, I just changed consultants at Jenny Craig and I think they are finally going to feature me within the store that I was talking about a couple months ago! I turned in my before and after picture to my new consultant as well as an About Me page, so we shall see.... I would still like to take a picture and post it on here. 

I also want to thank all my friends, family, and boyfriend for the support through my weight loss journey. It is still not over, but I think a good support system is honestly what gets me through the harder times. Special shout out for my boyfriend being my biggest cheerleader and his mom for losing 10 pounds on Weight Watchers! Congratulations Susan, keep up the good work :)