Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Post Delay - last 18

Sorry, it has been a long time since I've posted on here! I have been super swamped with midterms and other school work. Another reason I haven't posted recently is because I was not really sure what to write. I have pretty much maintained my weight for the last couple months. I only have 18 more pounds to lose and it doesn't seem that far away, but I find it to be the most difficult. Recently, I have been really into finding good happy hours and while I'm out drinking or eating, I find myself making the excuse that I only have 18 more pounds left to lose. I may not be making the best decisions. After losing 50, 18 doesn't seem that bad. I would not say that I've lost motivation, but I'm definitely not as strict as I have been for the past 50 pounds. At Jenny Craig my consultant keeps saying that it's good that I am learning how to maintain, but I am tired of maintaining and want to see results! I am very happy with my body while my clothes are on, but what about my beach summer body? I still want to lose those 18 pounds before summer so I can wear a bikini. I have been looking on Victoria's Secret to find a cute bikini. I can't decide if I want to spend over $50 for inspiration and then (hopefully) fitting in it by summer. 
I am currently visiting my boyfriend in Washington DC for spring break and it is not easy for eating! I have to say, I am still a foodie and enjoy good food and we have definitely been eating delicious meals. I've discovered that when I crave food, it is never junk food, but a good meal instead! I never want to be one of those people who drop a diet because they're on vacation, so I'm trying to still get what I want by splitting or fitting a salad into my day. It's nice because I am making my own breakfast with just non-fat greek yogurt and fruit. At least one meal is on my own. When he came to visit me in Boulder, we ate out almost all meals! 

Here's how my eating has gone so far: 
Yesterday: We went to Baked and Wired, which is an awesome cupcake shop and we split one. Then we went to Founding Farmers for dinner where I got a delicious cocktail, 2 bacon wrapped dates (split appetizer), and a salad with free vegetables, chicken, and dressing on the side.
Today: Non-fat greek yogurt and banana for breakfast, an apple and whole wheat tortilla wrap with avocado, hummus, and tomatoes for lunch. Beer, french onion soup and muscles for dinner at Granville Moores. 

My choices have not been horrible, but I think I can do better. When I get back to school, it's going to be time to crack down: eat healthy and go back to the gym 5 days a week. 

Here's the bikini I am debating on buying :)